
Coursera Deep Learning Specialization Notes

3 mins read A couple of years ago I completed Deep Learning Specialization taught by AI pioneer Andrew Ng. I found this series […]

Machine Learning for Big Data using PySpark with real-world projects

10 mins read Introduction I have prepared a GitHub Repository that provides a set of self-study tutorials on Machine Learning for big data […]

How to determine epsilon and MinPts parameters of DBSCAN clustering

9 mins read Parameters are an important aspect of any data mining task since they have a specific impact on the algorithm’s behavior. […]

Repository for implementation of statistics concepts for Data Science in Python

3 mins read The field of statistics is becoming increasingly important in the world of data science and machine learning. I have recently […]

SumTree data structure for Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) explained with Python Code

14 mins read Weighted sampling from a list-like collection is an important activity in many applications. Weighted sampling involves selecting samples randomly from […]