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Sampling from a multivariate Gaussian (Normal) distribution with Python code

3 mins read

Multivariate Gaussian distribution is a fundamental concept in statistics and machine learning that finds applications in various fields, including data analysis, image processing, and natural language processing. It is a probability distribution that describes the probability of multiple random variables being correlated with each other. The process of generating random samples from a multivariate Gaussian distribution can be challenging, particularly when the dimensionality of the data is high. In this post, we will explore the topic of sampling from a multivariate Gaussian distribution and provide Python code examples to help you understand and implement this concept.


A widely used method for drawing (sampling) a random vector X from the N-dimensional multivariate normal distribution with mean vector \mu and covariance matrix \Sigma works as follows:

  1. Find any real matrix A such that A A^T = \Sigma. When \Sigma is positive-definite, the Cholesky decomposition is typically used, and the extended form of this decomposition can always be used (as the covariance matrix may be only positive semi-definite) in both cases a suitable matrix A is obtained. An alternative is to use the matrix A = U \Lambda^{1/2} obtained from a spectral decomposition \Sigma = U \Lambda U^{-1} of \Sigma. The former approach is more computationally straightforward but the matrices  A change for different orderings of the elements of the random vector, while the latter approach gives matrices that are related by simple re-orderings. In theory, both approaches give equally good ways of determining a suitable matrix  A, but there are differences in computation time.
  2. Let Z=(z_1, z_2, \dots, z_N)^T be a vector whose components are N independent standard normal variates (which can be generated, for example, by using the Box–Muller transform).
  3. Let X be \mu + Az. This has the desired distribution due to the affine transformation property.

Python Implementation:

1) Implementing From scratch

# Define the desired distribution to sample from:
d = 2 # Number of dimensions
mean = np.matrix([[0.], [1.]])
covariance = np.matrix([
[1, 0.8],
[0.8, 1]

# Compute the Decomposition:
A = np.linalg.cholesky(covariance)

# Sample X from standard normal
n = 50 # Samples to draw
Z = np.random.normal(size=(d, n))

# Apply the transformation
X = + mean

# Plot the samples and the distribution
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4.5))
# Plot bivariate distribution
x1, x2, p = generate_surface(mean, covariance, d)
con = ax.contourf(x1, x2, p, 33, cmap=cm.YlGnBu)
# Plot samples
ax.plot(Y[0,:], Y[1,:], 'ro', alpha=.6,
        markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel('y1', fontsize=13)
ax.set_ylabel('y2', fontsize=13)
ax.axis([-2.5, 2.5, -1.5, 3.5])
ax.set_title('Samples from bivariate normal distribution')
cbar = plt.colorbar(con)'density: p(y1, y2)', fontsize=13)

2) Using Numpy Sampler

Numpy has a built-in multivariate normal sampling function:

z = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mean, cov=covariance, size=n)
y = np.transpose(z)
# Plot density function.
sns.jointplot(x=y[0], y=y[1], kind="kde", space=0);

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